Friday, December 27, 2013

Challenges of Staying True to Your Beliefs

Wow!  It was 39 F today!!  Tropical!!  Seriously, beautiful weather for this December in Minnesota.  Most days have been between 0-15 degrees.  So 39 felt glorious!  I actually went outside and did some skate skiing at the park (ugh! Serious cardio!). 

Over the past week I have been working through some fears/ false beliefs about certain Spiritual practices that I find to be Truths.  Actually, my fears are more about being Judged by others.  Much of my life I have hidden in the corners and kept my mouth shut in order to avoid any conflict or Judgement.  These old patterns are still surfacing and I've been working on releasing them fully.  I must release the OLD to make way for the NEW and more Spiritual existence I have come into. 

I have always had an open mind and respect the beliefs of others (as long as they do not bring harm and violence).  So, I assume that others will respect me in the same way.  They do not have to agree that I am right in my opinions and my Truths, but I do ask for respect.  As I was reading about scientific evidence of certain Spiritual things (thoughts affecting physical forms, energy healing, etc, etc) I came across a Physics forum since much of the "proof" out there is based in Quantum Physics.  On this forum a few people decided to put down a well known Channeler and proceeded to call this person a nutcake/ whacko, etc, etc.  I know there are plenty of people out there who feel it's their place to Judge and put others down in various ways, but it's never nice to see it happening.  I took it personally and thought "wow, that could be me being called a nutcake" (but it's not!).  So, I had to work through this and really continue working on my confidence to step fully into my authentic self in every way...even if others react in a Judgemental way.  I must have Faith and stand TRUE to myself and my beliefs and continue to respect those that may Judge and hold Love and Light for them as well.  This has been my lesson to learn the past week.

As we move into 2014, CELEBRATE your TRUE self!!  Release the old patterns and false beliefs.  Move out of fear, anger and pain and into Love, Light and Joy!  Have fun!!  LOTS of FUN!!!

Much Love and Light!  - Melanie

Monday, December 23, 2013

Celebrating the Divine Light Within this Holiday Season

This past week was quite busy for me as I imagine it was for many.  It's been a few days since my last blog post as I've been caught up with connecting with friends, celebrating the Winter Solstice, writing Holiday cards...and such. 

Today I felt like touching on the excitement of moving into a New Year full of exciting growth for the World.  We are coming into a new era, a new Earth, a time of greater Spiritual connection and higher vibration.  A time when love and light will overcome darkness and violence.  The Shift is happening now and it's moving quickly.  I am watching it happen around me and feeling it happen inside me.  I am VERY excited! 

As a Chemist and "Scientist" I always knew there was more to life.  Science can only observe what is happening and attempt to reproduce the wonders of nature, of God, of energy.  Science does not explain why or how things do what they every cell in our body knows it's job and works magic (beyond observing the actions).  It can't explain the bigger picture.  At times I would get frustrated with the limitations of science.  Now I have found spirituality and have re-connected with my soul and the Truth of who I am and who we are and what is happening on a larger scale, not visible to the eyes (at all times anyway). 

Now is a time to celebrate the birth and growth of the Divine Light within you and those around you. See past the walls of the ego, personality and judgement...and see the LOVE and the LIGHT of God within. For we are all beings of God and Love. Spread the word! Share the Love!

Much LOVE and LIGHT!  ~ Melanie

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Energy, Power of Thought and Bending Spoons

Good Afternoon Wonderful People!
Energy has been a topic of focus in my life the past couple days (more like several months!).  Different ideas about energy have come up and the related topics of the power of thought, mind over matter, that kind of stuff.  It's all very fascinating to me.  And coming from a "science" mind-based background I've always enjoyed hearing about research and case studies that provide hard proof that thoughts DO create reality!  I love it.  I know that it's true.  I have experienced it with healing and with physical transformations.  We are all energy...and our thought forms are energy that can transform matter and better yet, transform our lives.  In this video blog I share some of my thoughts, my experiences and some research and case studies that provide some "proof" of the power of thought. (But who needs proof when you have faith and truly believe, right?)  I also discuss my spoon bending experience....yes, I really bent spoons (and a fork!) through visualization and channeling energy....not through human strength, but by thoughts and energy.  It's real.  For real.  Seriously.  I share this experience and show off my spoon and fork (awesome day for me!). 
Much Love, Light and Gratitude!  - Melanie

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Spirituality, Energy Healing and Channeling

Hello!  Well, I decided it's time to talk about some of my spiritual transformation experiences over the past year.  Over the past year and a half I went from being a hard core scientist/ Chemist/ Biomedical Scientist to a more intuitive based Spiritual Being, all based in God, Light and Love.  I spend most of my days now developing my spiritual side and my healing and channeling skills.  Energy healing and channeling have saved my life and brought me to a joyful new existence of more love and light....from having lived in much fear and anxiety in the past.  I have also found my calling, my purpose in this lifetime.  I am hear to help others heal, to guide others into more light, through energy healing and readings/ messages/ guidance/ mentoring.  We are all connected, we are all ONE.  We are all ready to evolve and raise into a new level of existence, a new vibration, a new World where we radiate Light and Love and see this within all.  Now is the time.  We are all beginning the transformation.  How beautiful and wonderful!!
(This is yet another 2 part video blog!  I can't seem to keep it under 15 minutes :-) ) 
-Much Love, Melanie

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nelson Mandela Reflection

Good Evening!  My husband and I were watching Sunday Morning on CBS this morning and they had a little story about the life of Nelson Mandela.  As I was watching I was hit with a major insight about life, about suffering, about conscious choice, learning our lessons and living for the highest good.  I have put some thought into each of these things before but it all just came together when I reflected on the life of Nelson, WOW, I get it!  It suddenly all makes more sense!

Disclaimer:  This is not meant to be political or to get into the details or questions about how "good" of a man Nelson Mandela was.  He was not perfect, as we are not perfect.  I understand there is some controversy here.

I just wanted to share my insights regarding the positive impacts he had in his lifetime in regards to equality and what I observed about his suffering in prison for 27 years.  He learned some lessons and made some positive conscious choices through his time of suffering that we can learn from if we look at the broader perspective and remove ourselves from the political and controversial aspects.

I think many of us wonder why we suffer.  Everyone suffers in some way, shape or form during their life on this planet.  And we may have heard this before, that it's to learn our lessons.  But now I really see it.  Suffering does play a role in learning lessons, but it is also about staying very conscious about making the best choices for our highest good and the highest good of others in every moment, even in the middle of our suffering.  And, the suffering often has a purpose that is for the Greatest Good of all.  We are all one, we are all connected, so we are all affected by the suffering of others.  In the case of Nelson Mandela, he suffered in prison for 27 years but stayed on his path of Truth along the way.  He did not choose to become bitter and angry about his situation in the end.  He made the choice to become kinder and more loving and came out a better man than when he went it.  And, through being in prison, his cause for equality spread around the World, resulting in millions of people coming together to support him and to support equality.  If he did not end up in prison, he may not have learned the lessons he learned to become a better man.  And the number of supporters and the spread of his cause for equality may not have been as great.  There was a higher purpose to his suffering that impacted the World.  There is a higher purpose to our suffering, and by making the conscious choice to learn from it and move forward in light and love and for the highest good, we can also make a difference for the better.

So, this video blog is just a rambling of my thoughts about this and what I realized or better understood about life and suffering (not about Nelson Mandela personally) as I watched the story of Nelson Mandela on Sunday Morning today. 

Note:  I cut out the first couple minutes of my intro and random rambles to make the video fit into the 15 minute slot.  So it starts out a little abruptly.

Much Love and Light!  - Melanie

Photography of Nature and The Female Form

I decided to put together a photography slideshow of some of my work with music for your enjoyment.  These are selected images of nature and the female form.  All images are tasteful and work safe.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 6, 2013

My Life Part 2

Oh No!!  I did it again!!  Another 2 parter.  I guess it's hard to summarize 38 years in a very short time frame.  Even with this 2 part series, I know I left out lots of stuff.  But the idea was just to share a summary for now, so you know where I'm coming from.

I do share a couple things at the end of part 2B, a "show and tell" sort of thing :-)

Much Love to you!!  - Melanie

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Life Part 1

Hello!  I took another couple days off.  It's just been a time of reflection and recovery from emotions.  I'm feeling quite energetic and happy today, which is how life should be most of the time, right?!  But there will always be ups and downs.  It's just a matter of learning how to be with the down times and move through them and back up again. 

I decided it was time to share my life story.  I knew I wouldn't be able to do it within the 15 minute window of a YouTube video...and I was RIGHT!!  I'm not even going into details and emotions...but it's still taking a while.  It might be interesting.  It might be boring.  But for me it is a time of a broader overview and reflection on my life.  Where I've been and what I've learned.  What has led me to this moment, here and now.  To this part of my life where I'm in a completely different place emotionally, mentally and spiritually than I was even a year ago.  Oh, Life!  It is wonderful and challenging and it certainly is about the adventure, the love, the people and the passion. 

My video was becoming I had to stop.  Thus, this is part 1 of my Life Story.  And guess what?!  There are TWO parts to Part 1 :-)  Part 1A and Part 1B.  Why?  Because part 1 ended up to be 20 minutes.  Such is life! (And BTW...forgive the slight profanity at the end of part1B, I looked at the total time of the video as I went to hit stop... and saw 20 minutes...ooops!!)

Much love, light and joy! - Melanie

Monday, December 2, 2013

Reflection, Transition and Letting Go

Good Evening!  Ok, I'm back.  Yay!  I needed a couple days off from the video blog.  It's nice to be doing it again though.  I hope you all had a fabulous holiday weekend and are continuing to enjoy the fun of the season.  And I hope you don't mind a couple posts about sharing my books and photos.  That is part of who I am! 

Today felt like a good day (or rather, night) to talk about transition a little.  I am going through a major transition in my life right now regarding my path, where I came from and where I'm headed.  It's been a challenge and it's been difficult to really discern what no longer serves me so I can fully commit to where I'm headed, to where my heart belongs and where my soul belongs.  I learned a couple lessons this past week and felt today was the day I finally realized some things I needed to know in order to move forward.  So, I decided to chat about the importance of reflection in this transition process and how important it is to just "be" and reflect.  Let Go and Let God!
Much LOVE and LIGHT!  - Melanie

Friday, November 29, 2013

Indigo Adults, Growth and Compassion

Happy Black Friday!  I'm not a shopper, but I still had to run out to do a couple errands.  Wow, was it busy out there!  I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  My husband and I had a wonderful, loving evening with close friends/ soul family.  An evening filled with so much love and gratitude.  Today we laid on the couch, watched a couple fun movies and simply RESTED.  Oh, how wonderful that was. 

I also read most of a book that really speaks to me, "Indigo Adults - Understanding who you are and what you can become", by Kabir Jaffe and Ritama Davidson.  I bought this book a year ago but it didn't really resonate with me at the time so I never read much of it.  Well, a couple days ago I picked it up again and spoke volumes to me!!  Yes, this book is perfect for what I need to learn and the messages I need at this very moment in my life.  So, I thought I would share a few insights from the book in my video blog tonight.  Honestly, I didn't read too much...but my blog ended up being 25 minutes long.  Wow.  I had to break it down into 2 parts for YouTube since my YouTube limit is 15 minutes.  I hope you will watch both parts...but if you only watch 1, that's awesome too!

Part 1 is a brief reflection on where I'm at right now and then a bit from the book about how we can change the World simply by working on ourselves and being truly authentic.  Part 2 contains a couple more passages from the book about balancing Power with the Heart (Solar Plexus chakra with your Heart chakra) and then about sympathy, empathy and compassion.

Much love and light!!  - Melanie.

PART 1 of 2:
PART 2 of 2: 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Valuing Yourself

Hello Again!  Wow, today is day 8.  Can you believe it?  Today was another rough day for me...time for more tears.  I did get to meet with my Mentor and beautiful soul, Jeanne (THANK YOU!!).  I love her.  I am so blessed and grateful that she is in my life.  Thank you.  Did I say that already??  LOL.  Today I discuss learning to value yourself/ myself.  This is something that seems to keep coming up and I keep working on.  Lesson:  VALUE yourself!!  You are more important than any amount of money.  Much LOVE and much LIGHT!!  And a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!  Thank you.  I appreciate you.  I love you.  - Melanie

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Rebel in Me and Having Faith

Good Evening!  Ok, here it is, another late blog night...  I've been working hard and focused on getting this darn book done.  And I finished.  But what comes next?  Endless marketing!!  It never ends.  Maybe you can relate?  Today I encountered a little frustration and some tears about "life".  So I thought I would talk about it.  And during my talk I received a message from God, Spirit, the Devine, the Universe...whatever you prefer to call it.  The message was to "Have Faith...Keep Faith."  YES!  It was so perfect for what I was going through today.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Much love and light.  Have a beautiful, faith filled night!  - Melanie

Here's my video...and I'm posting a link to my book I've been working endlessly on as well. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Inspiration Quote & The Breath of The Waken

Good evening!  Today is a late video blog post.  But I am committed.  I will do this everyday...for my personal growth.  And maybe you will find some inspiration as well.  Tonight I was called to simply share a few inspirational quotes and a painting (with poem) that inspires me personally, The Breath of the Waken by Bearcloud Gallery in Sedona, AZ.  Enjoy, be inspired and step into the coming week with much gratitude for all you have in your life to be Thankful for.  Much love!  Melanie.  (BTW...I said Day 4 in the video...but it's already day 5!  Wow!)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shifting from pain to light and healing

This was an interesting blog.  I had to record it nine times before the video file finally saved!  I definitely spoke my truth over and over and over  What a fun lesson for me.  I remained committed and determined to get a video blog posted and it is finally done.  Today I was called to reflect on the purpose of pain in our lives and how to shift from pain to healing and a life of light and matter what emotional or physical ailment you are going through. 

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is Physics." - Albert Einstein

In Much love and light! Melanie

The Inner Self Critic

On day 3 of this video blog, I delve into thoughts about the nasty self-critic.  Time to turn that voice into a loving support! 

Being Your Authentic Self

In day 2 of my video blog I'm discussing what it means to be your "authentic self".  Thanks for listening!  In love and light, Melanie.

Day 1 - Hello World!

Hello World!  This is day 1 of my blog "Speaking My Truth".  I have decided to challenge myself to live as my authentic self and share my voice with the world.  In doing so, I am creating a daily video blog to speak my voice and share myself and lessons learned.  I may also write at times to add to my thoughts and such.  But this is mostly a video blog.  Nice, right?  Much love and light, Melanie.