Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Rebel in Me and Having Faith

Good Evening!  Ok, here it is, another late blog night...  I've been working hard and focused on getting this darn book done.  And I finished.  But what comes next?  Endless marketing!!  It never ends.  Maybe you can relate?  Today I encountered a little frustration and some tears about "life".  So I thought I would talk about it.  And during my talk I received a message from God, Spirit, the Devine, the Universe...whatever you prefer to call it.  The message was to "Have Faith...Keep Faith."  YES!  It was so perfect for what I was going through today.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Much love and light.  Have a beautiful, faith filled night!  - Melanie

Here's my video...and I'm posting a link to my book I've been working endlessly on as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog!! I'm going to save up some money to order the book!!! :-)
