Monday, December 23, 2013

Celebrating the Divine Light Within this Holiday Season

This past week was quite busy for me as I imagine it was for many.  It's been a few days since my last blog post as I've been caught up with connecting with friends, celebrating the Winter Solstice, writing Holiday cards...and such. 

Today I felt like touching on the excitement of moving into a New Year full of exciting growth for the World.  We are coming into a new era, a new Earth, a time of greater Spiritual connection and higher vibration.  A time when love and light will overcome darkness and violence.  The Shift is happening now and it's moving quickly.  I am watching it happen around me and feeling it happen inside me.  I am VERY excited! 

As a Chemist and "Scientist" I always knew there was more to life.  Science can only observe what is happening and attempt to reproduce the wonders of nature, of God, of energy.  Science does not explain why or how things do what they every cell in our body knows it's job and works magic (beyond observing the actions).  It can't explain the bigger picture.  At times I would get frustrated with the limitations of science.  Now I have found spirituality and have re-connected with my soul and the Truth of who I am and who we are and what is happening on a larger scale, not visible to the eyes (at all times anyway). 

Now is a time to celebrate the birth and growth of the Divine Light within you and those around you. See past the walls of the ego, personality and judgement...and see the LOVE and the LIGHT of God within. For we are all beings of God and Love. Spread the word! Share the Love!

Much LOVE and LIGHT!  ~ Melanie

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