Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Healing Powers of Nature

Photo by Melanie Metz
When was the last time you went camping deep in the woods and actually slept in a tent?  Or maybe just hiked through the trees in silence for a couple hours?  Spending time deep in nature, as far away from city sounds as possible, has proven to be one of the most healing activities I can do for myself.  I have experienced deep physical and emotional transformation in just a couple days.  It always amazes me how quickly my pain leaves and peace enters.

Any form of quiet relaxation is certainly healing on some level, as it allows you to exit the stress mode, that "fight-or-flight" response mode, and gives your body time to heal.  However, I find that when I relax in my townhouse in the city, the healing effects are not nearly as profound as when I spend a little time in the woods.  I began to notice this about 20 years ago when I would go to my mom's house on the lake in Northern Minnesota.  Now I notice how the healing effects are even more profound when I actually hike into the woods and sleep in a tent, in the pure natural rhythms of the Earth and nature surrounding me.

What's interesting is the process of healing that takes place.  Since my issues mostly involve the digestive system, the first night and full day in the woods I experience worse than normal stomach/ gut pains and heart palpitations...and I'm extremely tired.  It's almost as if I'm in a healing crisis mode.  The second day I begin to feel better, both physically and emotionally.  The stomach settles and the joy begins to surface.  On the third day my energy is noticeably different.  Not only do I have more physical energy, but I have a deep sense of peace and my emotions and body are in balance.  I feel like a completely new person.  It's as if the spirits and faeries of the woods have given me a new body, a new life!!  I feel complete inside and out.

While I did study Biomedical Science back in the college days, I really don't feel like trying to "scientifically" understand why the woods are so healing.  I just know that they are.  And I know in my heart it has to do with our intimate connection to Mother Earth and her nurturing, healing abilities.  In our current society we have lost our natural rhythm and close ties to all that is "natural" as we congregate around computers, spend our days in buildings and take walks on asphalt covered paths.  We have to make a point to re-connect with our true nature, to the slower, peaceful rhythms of life where deep healing can occur.

The challenge for me is coming home to the city.  The healing I receive from the woods stays with me for days and sometimes weeks, but new stresses from daily city life creep back in and trigger my physical symptoms again.  Recently, I have made it a point to hike at the nearest Wildlife Refuge on a regular basis, to walk on the natural dirt paths through the trees and around the lake, talking with the birds and relaxing into the still energy of the trees.  It keeps my body, mind and spirit healthier than any medication has been able to do.

The key is to incorporate time to connect with nature into your life as often as possible.  This can be a week long backpacking trip or simply time spent in the garden or sitting against a tree.  Listen to your body and do what it asks of you.  If you're really struggling emotionally or physically it might be time to spend a few days deeper in the woods or simply sitting by a lake or an ocean.  Find your natural rhythm again and allow the healing hands of Mother Earth to transform you.

Many Blessings,
Melanie Metz