Friday, November 29, 2013

Indigo Adults, Growth and Compassion

Happy Black Friday!  I'm not a shopper, but I still had to run out to do a couple errands.  Wow, was it busy out there!  I hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  My husband and I had a wonderful, loving evening with close friends/ soul family.  An evening filled with so much love and gratitude.  Today we laid on the couch, watched a couple fun movies and simply RESTED.  Oh, how wonderful that was. 

I also read most of a book that really speaks to me, "Indigo Adults - Understanding who you are and what you can become", by Kabir Jaffe and Ritama Davidson.  I bought this book a year ago but it didn't really resonate with me at the time so I never read much of it.  Well, a couple days ago I picked it up again and spoke volumes to me!!  Yes, this book is perfect for what I need to learn and the messages I need at this very moment in my life.  So, I thought I would share a few insights from the book in my video blog tonight.  Honestly, I didn't read too much...but my blog ended up being 25 minutes long.  Wow.  I had to break it down into 2 parts for YouTube since my YouTube limit is 15 minutes.  I hope you will watch both parts...but if you only watch 1, that's awesome too!

Part 1 is a brief reflection on where I'm at right now and then a bit from the book about how we can change the World simply by working on ourselves and being truly authentic.  Part 2 contains a couple more passages from the book about balancing Power with the Heart (Solar Plexus chakra with your Heart chakra) and then about sympathy, empathy and compassion.

Much love and light!!  - Melanie.

PART 1 of 2:
PART 2 of 2: 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Valuing Yourself

Hello Again!  Wow, today is day 8.  Can you believe it?  Today was another rough day for me...time for more tears.  I did get to meet with my Mentor and beautiful soul, Jeanne (THANK YOU!!).  I love her.  I am so blessed and grateful that she is in my life.  Thank you.  Did I say that already??  LOL.  Today I discuss learning to value yourself/ myself.  This is something that seems to keep coming up and I keep working on.  Lesson:  VALUE yourself!!  You are more important than any amount of money.  Much LOVE and much LIGHT!!  And a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!  Thank you.  I appreciate you.  I love you.  - Melanie

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Rebel in Me and Having Faith

Good Evening!  Ok, here it is, another late blog night...  I've been working hard and focused on getting this darn book done.  And I finished.  But what comes next?  Endless marketing!!  It never ends.  Maybe you can relate?  Today I encountered a little frustration and some tears about "life".  So I thought I would talk about it.  And during my talk I received a message from God, Spirit, the Devine, the Universe...whatever you prefer to call it.  The message was to "Have Faith...Keep Faith."  YES!  It was so perfect for what I was going through today.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Much love and light.  Have a beautiful, faith filled night!  - Melanie

Here's my video...and I'm posting a link to my book I've been working endlessly on as well. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Inspiration Quote & The Breath of The Waken

Good evening!  Today is a late video blog post.  But I am committed.  I will do this everyday...for my personal growth.  And maybe you will find some inspiration as well.  Tonight I was called to simply share a few inspirational quotes and a painting (with poem) that inspires me personally, The Breath of the Waken by Bearcloud Gallery in Sedona, AZ.  Enjoy, be inspired and step into the coming week with much gratitude for all you have in your life to be Thankful for.  Much love!  Melanie.  (BTW...I said Day 4 in the video...but it's already day 5!  Wow!)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shifting from pain to light and healing

This was an interesting blog.  I had to record it nine times before the video file finally saved!  I definitely spoke my truth over and over and over  What a fun lesson for me.  I remained committed and determined to get a video blog posted and it is finally done.  Today I was called to reflect on the purpose of pain in our lives and how to shift from pain to healing and a life of light and matter what emotional or physical ailment you are going through. 

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is Physics." - Albert Einstein

In Much love and light! Melanie

The Inner Self Critic

On day 3 of this video blog, I delve into thoughts about the nasty self-critic.  Time to turn that voice into a loving support! 

Being Your Authentic Self

In day 2 of my video blog I'm discussing what it means to be your "authentic self".  Thanks for listening!  In love and light, Melanie.

Day 1 - Hello World!

Hello World!  This is day 1 of my blog "Speaking My Truth".  I have decided to challenge myself to live as my authentic self and share my voice with the world.  In doing so, I am creating a daily video blog to speak my voice and share myself and lessons learned.  I may also write at times to add to my thoughts and such.  But this is mostly a video blog.  Nice, right?  Much love and light, Melanie.