Monday, August 3, 2015

Traditional Healing Path

Let's call this post "Day 3,4 & 5" of #Sharemysoul!  Yes, I'm falling behind already.  But we don't always have to follow all the rules like I used to think.  So, I'm breaking the rules!  I'm posting 3 days in 1 blog post!  And guess what, the world isn't going to end....and I don't think I'm even going to get in trouble or fail the project.  Wow.  What a concept!  Yes, I was always the student who sat in the front row, asked questions and strived constantly to get all A's.  I was my biggest competitor.  It worked, but it was stressful and I never felt good enough, never felt perfect enough. It feels like it has taken me SO LONG to break out of that pattern of thinking I need to always do what others say and expect, to follow all the rules and walk the straight line.  It's time to break free now and live with more passion!!  That doesn't mean I'm going to become a rebellious criminal or just means it's time to express ME more fully, without worrying about what others think or if I'm doing it "right".

Well, that was a nice little tangent from my actual intent of this blog.  Today I wanted to share a little about my weekend and my experience on my healing path.  I'm currently in a 9 month program studying Traditional Indigenous Healing ways, with focus on Curanderismo (Mexican tradition).  I am about halfway through the program at this point. I could share so much about how amazing the experience has been so far, but there isn't proper time or space for it in one blog post.  I will say that it has brought me great lengths on my own healing path and has provided incredible tools and techniques that I can use to help others.

I love how holistic the traditions are, using ways to heal through physical bodywork, herbal medicines, food as medicine, emotional work, spiritual healing techniques, energy work and ceremonial tools.  Healing is a continuous process and takes effort in all these different areas.  There is not a magic wand a shaman can use or a magic pill a doctor can give you that will heal you completely in an instant.  Of course, there are miracles everyday and instant "healing" that does happen.  I've witnessed it!  But these are just for one aspect of the whole, for one ailment or emotion that the person is experiencing in that moment.  There is always more work to be done on some level or all levels....emotional, physical, mental, spiritual.  It takes true ongoing commitment to your own healing path to continue with the true healing process.  It will always be a work in progress.  There is no end point.  I am finally coming to really understand this and begin practicing it (rather than just thinking about it and talking about it!).  Wow, what a difference it makes to truly commit to your own healing.  No one else can do it for you, even though they can help you along the way.  Turning to others for support, healing sessions, guidance, etc. is an important piece but you must do your part as well.

Saturday was a full day, the fullest in a very long time!  Our class met outside for the day (9 to 5), in the hot, still summer air with birds chirping and bright flowers blooming.  I won't bore you with the details but I will share that the day involved creating an alter, performing ceremony, sharing, learning, demonstrating, practicing, contemplating and creating a spiritual bath. The spiritual bath was beautiful, transforming and felt wonderful on a hot summer day!  The best part about the class was strengthening our community.  We have grown close and have been supporting each other on our individual paths.  In our current American society we have lost this sense of community and support in so many ways and it feels so good to find it!  I never had much of this in my life until now and I value it so greatly.  I am feeling very excited about giving back to the community in September when we will be hosting a health fair in the Minneapolis area to educate others about self-care and healing as well as offer spiritual healing sessions and bodywork (for donation only). I enjoy teaching and look forward to sharing with others in ways that can help them live a healthier life.

After class, I enjoyed great, healthy food and fun, personal conversations with a special woman (and friend) from my class.  We then spent the rest of the night at a beautiful bonfire with another amazing classmate and other beautiful souls!  We played enchanting African music and danced freely around the fire as the waning blue moon rose above the tall pines and aspens.  We played drums and rattles and gave each other "drum washes" (which felt incredible!!).  We sat quietly at times and talked openly with soft Native American flute playing in the background.  It truly was a magical night that didn't end until 1am!

The next day, Sunday, I couldn't do much besides lay around, nap and try to get rid of my sun headache.  It wasn't a fun day, it was simply a rest day.  It was a day of balance.  There was so much light, fun, energy and activity on Saturday that my body demanded a down day on Sunday.  So I listened and I didn't judge.  I did what was asked of me.  I've learned it is important to listen and respond to what your body is asking of you.  When you don't listen or ignore it, physical illness can and will manifest.  I've experienced it.  I've learned from it.

I realize now that I ignored my body talk for the first 35 years of my life.  It was only when I became so ill I that I couldn't function in daily life that I actually stopped to listen and began to respond to what was needed.  In this life we have so many demands on us that we forget to go within, to hear the whispers of the soul and the secrets of our spirit.  We forget to be gentle with ourselves and truly love and care for ourselves first and foremost.  There is always something more pressing, until we become so sick we can't respond to those outside pressures.  We are forced to go within and learn to listen.  At least I was.  And it changed my life forever.  Five years ago I would never have guessed I would not be working full time as a chemist and corporate manager anymore...and would instead be learning indigenous healing ways, practicing platicas and limpias with strangers, creating alters, clearing my space and energy field with copal and sage almost daily, finding strong community, learning true healing and seeing life in a completely new way.

Life has been challenging but I am grateful for all of it.  I love my stomach and my intestines for the pain they have put me through, for they have opened my heart and the eyes of my soul.  They have shown me a new life of greater love, connection and magic.  Thank you.  Ometeotl.

Copal burning on the alter for the opening ceremony at our traditional healing class. - Photo by Melanie Metz
Photo of our Traditional Healing class by Tommy (Kim Hart's husband).  Love this community!
One of the Jaguar's protecting the direction of the South on our Alter. - photo by Melanie Metz
One of our teachers, Selma, preparing a spiritual bath. - Photo by Melanie Metz

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