Friday, August 7, 2015

Energy of Money and Self Worth

Our challenge today is to reflect on money and our relationship with it.  This is always an interesting topic!

Money is energy, like everything is.  The problem is that many of us value money more than almost anything else because we feel we need money to be able to do what we want, have what we want, heck...even to to simply survive (buy food, shelter, clothing)!  Our society and conditioning has led us to put money above all else and to feel like we never have enough.  Well, when we do this, we de-value ourselves on an energetic level.  We see money as the highest vibration.  If we continue on this path, we are not able to place our own vibration at the same level as "money", making it almost impossible to attract it into our lives (since like attracts like, right?).  It's hard to truly believe in our core that we ARE more worthy than the almighty dollar.  We are valuable and deserve abundance in all areas of life!  So how do we shift out of that old pattern of putting money above us, as better than us?  I'm still working on it.

I have struggled with my thoughts and energy around money for a long, long time and still do.  I never made money my priority in life but always felt I needed to get the 8-5 job to make money to pay the bills, to eat, to live.  Rather than truly taking time to follow my passion I went right for the job after college.  I somehow believed that it wasn't possible to make money from my passion of photography because it was just a life-long hobby, just a passion.  I believed somewhere in my core, as my husband continues to believe, that the harder I worked at that 8-5 job, the more money I would make.  I think many of us know this is NOT true!!!  Some of the hardest workers are paid the least.  But that's the old way of thinking, that we need to have a really strong work ethic and commit to that 8-5 job working for someone else....and eventually work our way up the corporate ladder.  But this doesn't make most people rich!  Just stressed out and kissing corporate asses.  For what exactly?  Don't get me wrong, some people do enjoy those jobs and I'm happy for them.  I'm just not one of them.  But I stayed in that job for way too long because I didn't think I was "good enough" to actually make money doing what I love most.  How silly is that?

I have experienced struggle, stress, anxiety, depression and illness related to "not having enough" money.  I even took a big risk in running my own business (with my husband) for a couple years and ended up needing to declare bankruptcy.  That sucked.  And still creates a bit of fear within me to venture out and do my own business again (because I see "failure!" from past experience).  But, guess what?  I've always been comfortable.  I've always had food and shelter.  I may not have more than a few bucks in my savings account, but my life is quite luxurious compared to many in this world.

I have worked hard at overcoming this feeling of needing to have more money (even when I have plenty).  I have worked at valuing myself more, knowing I'm worth more than the dollar bill, knowing that my health and my life is more important than putting myself through extreme stress to take home an average paycheck.  Truly believing my skills and talents are worthy of an energy exchange with money.  Am I there yet?  I'm getting closer.  I feel it and the Universe is responding.

I have noticed that the people we view as "abundant" in the financial world are often very confident, highly energetic and really give to the world their talents and gifts with great faith in themselves.  I'm not saying all "rich" people are like this, but many are.  You have heard that the more we give, the more we receive, right?  I'm starting to experience this a little more.  Recently I've finally been feeling healthier and more energetic and have thus been contributing more to the world in general.  And guess what?  I just won 2 different drawings yesterday!  The only 2 contests I've entered in a very long time.  I also got a call from someone who saw my photography site to ask about doing a photo shoot.  I know that I'm receiving a little more because I've started to open up and give a little more energy lately.  But I still struggle to truly OWN who I am, to OWN my gifts and talents and to share them fully.  I often admire people that have such confidence at the core and in their hearts.  When you truly believe in yourself, others believe in you too and what you have to offer.  And then the energy exchange happens.  I believe you will receive in many different forms, money being one of them.

So, what is holding me back from TRULY believing in me?  It's still a remnant of that little voice, that little girl inside that feels like what she has to say isn't heard and doesn't she stands in the background to stay out of the way.  She lets others take charge.  She doesn't want to step up and speak up because she might get yelled at or criticized or judged or worst of all, dis-liked, un-loved, rejected.

It's time to tell that little girl that she is AWESOME, she is WORTHY, and she has so much to give to the World!  It's time to OWN who she is, fully and completely and LOVE it, LOVE her!  Have you realized how easy it is to say, but how hard it is to fully embrace and accept?  I know I'm getting closer, much closer and it is being reflected to me.  The world is a mirror after all.  The energy we put out is reflected back to us in other ways.

I'm ready to allow myself to receive more fully.  It's time.  It's time.  It's really time!!  (Am I convinced yet?).


Photo compilation of two original images by Melanie Metz


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