Thursday, August 6, 2015

Challenges of Creating My Life

Arielle asked us to reflect on what we spend time doing in our life vs. what our passions are and to determine if there is a disconnect between the two.

Surprisingly, I actually do spend most of my time doing what I feel called to do at a soul level these days.  It was not always this way!  Gradually, over time, I have begun to create the life that I want.  It has not been easy!  It has been lots of hard, deep work on my inner self and emotional pains from over the years.  I still have great lengths to go and every day is a new challenge physically, emotionally and spiritually...but I am making progress.

A few years ago my health crashed hard and yet doctors couldn't find anything "wrong" with me.  It was a great struggle.  Through that challenge I was able to find my spiritual path and soon began a great shift in my life.  I shifted from mindlessly walking through the daily routine of what I was conditioned to do, of what society expected of me to do and started to follow the true calling of my soul.  I began to wake up and live my life more consciously, more mindfully.

I have been very fortunate to be married to my soul mate who supports me 100%.  Because of his support, I have been able to leave my "normal" job as a corporate manager at an Environmental Testing company and focus on my healing and internal calling.  I have known for a while that my calling is to do healing work and continue with photography.  I have always been passionate about photography and helping others.  I want to share what I've learned over the past few years on my healing journey and help others on their healing path.  I feel this so deeply in my soul that I cry when I think about it.

On my recent healing journey, so many amazing people have appeared in my life and I am so grateful.  I have been able to connect with women in a way I never could in the past.  I have grown so much through their love and support.

My biggest challenge at this point in my life is really owning who I am and what I have to share.  To fully release the fears and doubts of "not being good enough".  I continue to take classes and learn more and more from experience but it has been hard for me to step up and start to teach what I know...  To say to the world "I'm ready!" and trust that it will all unfold beautifully and exactly as it should.

I had the opportunity to teach a spiritual healing technique and some bodywork to my Traditional Indigenous Healing program classmates last weekend.  If felt so amazing.  As I was teaching, I really felt in my element and it all flowed so naturally.  I really feel called to teach self-healing in some way, but I am not clear on exactly what or how.  I think the key for me is to JUST DO IT!  To just take that first step, to start with something, anything!  I have spent too much time trying to understand the whole picture, to have all the details in place and to know exactly what, when and how.  I believe there is value in planning and preparing but sometimes we just need to take action, even if it is just a small step.

Another goal I have is to commit even more to a daily spiritual practice.  To spend at least 15 minutes in my "Spirit Room" to use my tools for spiritual health and meditate, journal, dance, channel, ask questions, listen to my soul, etc, etc.  I do these things but not on a regular, daily basis.  I know that with more commitment I will find more growth, greater connection to spirit and my higher self and find more answers and guidance.

So, I say here and now, I commit to my daily spiritual practice!  I also commit to begin to share healing tools with others and offer my support on their path in whatever way I can.  And if you need a photographer, I'm available ( :-)


A self portrait on Bell Rock in Sedona, AZ, one of my favorite places.  Amazing energy!

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