Saturday, August 15, 2015

Living Mindfully as the Creator of Your Life

I've been busy doing some healing work and photography gigs.  Sometimes these things take up most of my day and there isn't much time left to purposefully create something more.

Today I was busy again, preparing for our week long camping trip on the North Shore (in Minnesota....not on the Island of Oahu :-) ).  As I was cooking some Kitchari (yum!) to take along, I started thinking about what I would create for the challenge today.  Then it came to me that I WAS creating!  I was creating some incredible food.  Not only that, but in each and every moment I am creating my future.  In every second of every day I am creating, for I am the creator of my life, as you are the creator of your life, and together we are the co-creators of this 3D reality.

I was then reminded of how we learn it's best to be living in the "now", in the moment, and not dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.  However, each "now" moment is actually a moment of creation for what our life is becoming, our "future" as we have chosen to call it.  While we shouldn't worry about the future, we should be mindful of it as this is our life being created in the NOW.  So, you ask, how do we be mindful of our future, of our manifested life?  Be mindful in each moment, each second of every day.

What does this mean to be "mindful" of each moment?  To be mindful means to be consciously aware of your actions, of what you are creating with your thoughts, your words, your interactions with other people, your interactions with yourself, the physical movements you make...  Wow, it starts to sound a little overwhelming to have to be mindful with everything we do, right?  But it's not.  If we are awake, if we are conscious, it becomes easy.

The key is to commit to living consciously.  Make the commitment to yourself as this will spread to others.  As you commit to yourself to live consciously with the best of intentions, you will begin to integrate that which is for your highest good into each moment, every second of your day, every day.  You will notice you will start to feed your body, mind and soul that which makes it thrive and live more fully in the greatest love with ease.  You will begin to naturally release and eliminate those things that are not serving you (like old emotions, alcohol, etc...). It will no longer be "work" as you stick to your commitment to be mindful, to be conscious. This is not to say that all the pains and challenges will disappear, but they will become easier to walk through, easier to live with and your moments will be more joyful, even during the pain.  Yes, this is so.

And these are my thoughts for the day.


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